Project 1: Modified Mp3 Player
A broken slightly dated mp3 player becomes a host for my first semi-documented project: The D-Block.
- ~41 hour battery life / charge (screw you apple)
- Integrated FM transmitter
- External control port
- FM reciever
While in High School, i purchased a class mate's (Bradford Wagner) Mp3 player because of a couple qualms with it broken parts. The mp3 player was a rio S50. it had ~128MB of internal storage and an SD card slot. The power source was 1 AA / AA NIMH battery, which was dc-dc converted to 3.3V for the devices operation. At the time (2005) i thought the thing was amazing, the closest thing to a music playing device was a nightmarish cd rom drive music player which, as it sounded was ridiculously obtuse. More on that thing if i find any old pictures.
I became very attached to this odd looking contraption. Unfortunatley i knew relativley little at the time. Thankfully a media arts teacher pointed me to the early minty mp3, a device constructed by limor fried. and ever since ive been a faithful fan of Atmel microconrtollers.
Image Gallery From Construction:
These images were most likly taken with my fathers camera from work (obviously when he was not looking)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Electrical & Electrical Power